Sensitive Attractor, 2020
expanded lithographs
Sensitive Attractor, 2020
expanded lithographs
Royal College of Art, Sculpture, MFA, London, UK, 2022-2020
Malmö Art Academy, BFA, Malmö, SE, 2019-2016
The Cooper Union School of Art, exchange program, New York City, US, 2018
University of Copenhagen, Art History, BA, Copenhagen, DK, 2016-2015
Royal College of Art, Sculpture, MFA, London, UK, 2022-2020
Malmö Art Academy, BFA, Malmö, SE, 2019-2016
The Cooper Union School of Art, exchange program, New York City, US, 2018
University of Copenhagen, Art History, BA, Copenhagen, DK, 2016-2015
Mindscapes, 2019
3-channel video installation
Mindscapes, 2019
3-channel video installation

The work is the outcome of reflections upon manipulation of mental power and potentials in manipulation of memory.
The installation represents a performative space for creation of the mental construction wonderland.
By tying together navigational memory with meditative and extrasensory powers of thought, it is possible to reach imaginary
spaces such as wonderlands to elicit and locate (lost) memory. A creation process inspired by the Tibetan spiritual concept named Tulpa.
The work confronts recursivity of reality, representation and boundaries of self and memory inside and out.
Further, it relates to how sculpture is excluding and/or including spaces, which manifests itself physically;
at one state the sculpture folds around itself and concurrently interacting with the surrounding space,
hence the structure of the floor.
Allow Me To Introduce Myself, Galleri Susanne Ottesen x pro temp., Copenhagen, Denmark.