Sensitive Attractor, 2020
expanded lithographs
Sensitive Attractor, 2020
expanded lithographs
Royal College of Art, Sculpture, MFA, London, UK, 2022-2020
Malmö Art Academy, BFA, Malmö, SE, 2019-2016
The Cooper Union School of Art, exchange program, New York City, US, 2018
University of Copenhagen, Art History, BA, Copenhagen, DK, 2016-2015
Royal College of Art, Sculpture, MFA, London, UK, 2022-2020
Malmö Art Academy, BFA, Malmö, SE, 2019-2016
The Cooper Union School of Art, exchange program, New York City, US, 2018
University of Copenhagen, Art History, BA, Copenhagen, DK, 2016-2015
Mindscapes, 2019
3-channel video installation
Mindscapes, 2019
3-channel video installation
katastrofeteori, bevidsthedsrejser, hotspot
jeg tænker på eksplosioner. jeg tænker på tilstandsdiagrammer. forestillinger om sammenhænge. som et videnskabeligt scenario der forsøger at forstå (?) hvordan to variabler hænger sammen. diagrammer er som fænomener, en relationstegning
X -> Y
pilen er diagrammets relevansrum (elefantrum). en struktur eller netværk af mentale rum, hvor igennem visualiteter bliver menneskelig opfattelig
jeg tænker på flow. lines are threshold to the mind
lines are thinking
thinking is lines
thinking in lines
thinking in material terms
thinking is material terms
writing tools influence thinking
her thinking is
the making was thinking her
the thinking was making her
vores mentale udrustninger omfatter et beredskab af kanaler gennemløbet af abstrakte eller konkrete strømme. blending er en mental operation. intergrativ tænkning. resansning
kridt har evnen til bevægelighed. lys, tid, vulkaner. kolaps i superposition
diagrammer for mulige bevidstheder, sensoriske såvel om tænkelige. 1-2, 2-1,1-1,2-2
Curation and exhibiton spaces
Selected exhibitions
Accessory Muscles, Pizzaria La Fiorita, Ivory Pax, Copenhagen, DK
From One Comes Two, From Two Comes Three And From Three Comes Ten Thousand Things,
Ekely, Copenhagen, DK
Yuzu Garden, Era Formal Kitchen x SSC, Tunnelfabrikken, Copenhagen, DK
O' Sweet View, Rouge Oyserts, Copenhagen, DK
Colonial Fact, Baboon City, KunstscenenXYZ, Copenhagen, DK
The Final Exhibition 2, Axel Towers, Copenhagen, DK
Mindscapes, BFA Exhibition, KHM Gallery, Malmö, SE
Have A Nice Day, Cooper Union, NYC, US
Erotisk Distance, Rouge Oysters, Copenhagen, DK
15 Windows, Ryberg Rör, Delfi, Malmö, SE
Allow Me To Introduce Myself, Gallery Susanne Ottesen x pro, Copenhagen, DK
Remembering Words, Prince Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
The Final Exhibition, Pakhuset, Copenhagen, DK
New Comers, KHM Gallery, Malmö, SE
I Made A Dinosaur To Tell Me How It Happened, HELLO KORAL, Copenhagen, DK
Kobber, Tryk og Thorvaldsen, Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen, DK
Curation and exhibition spaces
/ - 2016
Exhibition between exhibitions
Placing emerging into the established
Curatorial collective, Copenhagen, DK
Co-founder and curator
in print, Niels Borch Jensen Edition & Gallery, Copenhagen, DK 2020
Bestseller, Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Copenhagen, DK 2019
Showtime, Gallery Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, DK 2018
Allow Me To Introduce Myself, Galleri Susanne Ottesen, Copenhagen, DK 2017
Press: Politiken (2019), Idoart (2017), Kopenhagen (2017)
Hello Koral
Exhibition space, Krausesvej 3, Copenhagen, DK
Co-founder and curator
Royal College of Art, Sculpture, MFA, London, UK, 2022-2020
Malmö Art Academy, BFA, Malmö, SE, 2019-2016
The Cooper Union School of Art, exchange program, New York City, US, 2018
University of Copenhagen, Art History, BA, Copenhagen, DK, 2016-2015
Selected exhibitions
Accessory Muscles, Pizzaria La Fiorita, Copenhagen, DK
From One Comes Two, From Two Comes Three And From Three Comes Ten Thousand Things, Ekely, Copenhagen, DK
Yuzu Garden, Era Formal Kitchen x SSC, Tunnelfabrikken, Copenhagen, DK
O' Sweet View, Rouge Oyserts, Copenhagen, DK
Colonial Fact, Baboon City, KunstscenenXYZ, Copenhagen, DK
The Final Exhibition 2, Axel Towers, Copenhagen DK
Mindscapes, BFA Exhibition, KHM Gallery, Malmö, SE
Have A Nice Day, Cooper Union, NYC, US
Erotisk Distance, Rouge Oysters, Copenhagen, DK
15 Windows, Ryberg Rör, Delfi, Malmö, SE
Allow Me To Introduce Myself, Gallery Susanne Ottesen x pro, Copenhagen, DK
Remembering Words, Prince Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
The Final Exhibition, Pakhuset, Copenhagen, DK
New Comers, KHM Gallery, Malmö, SE
I Made A Dinosaur To Tell Me How It Happened, HELLO KORAL, Copenhagen, DK
Kobber, Tryk og Thorvaldsen, Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen, DK
Curation and exhibition spaces
/ - 2016
Exhibition between exhibitions
Placing emerging into the established
Curatorial collective, co-founder and curator
in print, Niels Borch Jensen Edition & Gallery, Copenhagen, DK 2020 (coming)
Bestseller, Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Copenhagen, DK 2019
Showtime, Gallery Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, DK 2018
Allow Me To Introduce Myself, Galleri Susanne Ottesen, Copenhagen, DK 2017
Press: Politiken (2019), Idoart (2017), Kopenhagen (2017)
Hello Koral
Exhibition space, Krausesvej 3, Copenhagen, DK
Co-founder and curator